The missing part of most creative briefs. The “So What!?” factor.

Someone recently asked me that, if I wrote a creative brief, what information would I add to improve it? Having written them many times, I replied with what I think […]

If social media is so good, why doesn’t Apple embrace social media for itself?

Apple has some social media properties. But yet it seems agnostic or downright disinterested in growing its brand on social media properties like Pinterest or Facebook. While most companies have […]

In social media marketing, why each of us are personal Wi-Fi networks of content.

Most of us have a Wi-Fi router in our homes and likely know how one basically works. Your Wi-Fi router takes the signal that comes from your Internet provider and […]

Video: How to build a recession-proof employment plan

Caught this watching some TED Talks presentations. Wanted to share it because I think it reflects the dynamics and changed opportunities of the new job market that people aren’t quite […]

Is the marketing and business community hypnotized by technology? Technology zombies?

I’d like to submit a new word into the lexicon: Mass Technosis. Like hypnosis, it’s when business and industry get hypnotized by the hype of a technology. Mesmerized and led […]

Media literacy lesson: Covering story is not the same thing as covering the news.

“We’ll cover the story” You’ll hear that from some news outlets. “Getting the story.” Though some media outlets tend to use the terms interchangeably, getting the “news” and a “story” […]

The common flaw analyzing social media metrics. And why the Star Wars Prequels teach a good lesson.

A yardstick is a great ruler, but can’t measure happiness or a brand. Or the true success of a Star Wars movie. What do I mean? Consider this. If rated […]

Media literacy lesson: And So Goes The Nation. How messaging strategists think about political campaigns.

Media literacy is a skill to have – especially when it comes to political messaging. That’s why it’s good to take a really good look at the spin doctors and […]

Media literacy lesson: If media is left or right at its core, Why didn’t Fox News accept MSNBC’s surrender in 2002?

Why liberal and conservative media are nothing more than brands like Coke and 7Up. It wasn’t that long ago (around 2002, just before the Iraq War) that MSNBC, now considered […]

Media literacy lesson: What’s the sound of one person lying. Often, the truth.

Sound like a Zen riddle but true: The best way to lie to people is with hard facts. Ask the spin doctors their little secret.  One important for good media […]